Das Team von Immo cum laude traut sich auch an schwere Herausforderungen, wo andere Hausverwaltungen kneifen. Mit viel Geduld und vor allem Sorgfalt versuchen sie, durchdachte Vorschläge zu unterbreiten. Dabei werden sie nicht müde, den Dialog mit allen Parteien aufrechtzuerhalten und als Vermittler konstruktive Lösungen anzustoßen.
Kurz, eine Verwaltung mit Herz und Leidenschaft, die unserer Gemeinschaft sehr gut tut.
André Winzer
Dear Peter,
Thank you for informing me of your new Company Immo cum laude – great name!
I have no hesitation in recommending you to my friend who has a portfolio of residential properties in Berlin for management services.
Over the several years that you looked after our flats at Baerwaldstraße, my wife Gail and I were very pleased with the efficient service you provided us, taking care of all the tenant and landlord issues such that our period of ownership was totally stress-free. We were grateful not to have to get directly involved with the building maintenance issues or finding a new tenant when one of ours left. This was all done smoothly as were all matters concerning the eventual sale of our flats and handover to the purchasers.
We are sure your new venture will be very successful,
Very best wishes,
Mark and Gail Breen (London)
Dear Peter,
thank you for your kind greetings. I trust that you are well and looking forward to the business challenge for the new year. I am grateful for your updates and have complete faith in you to handle the problems that will inevitably arise from time to time. Keep up your good work.